
マンションリノベーション S邸 松戸市常盤平 / An apartment renovation in Matsudo.

This is an apartment renovation case in Matsudo, Chiba.  A 30’s  couple and their small child live in this apartment. We designed and built together to have meals at the center of their life. We thought how the relation of  the kitchen and the dining should be, if “cooking” and “eating” are close to each other when they have meals together,  and when  they eat a dinner with their friends.

He or she can hear the conversation of family or friends while cooking, and kids can see  parents cutting vegetables . We know and feel lots of things through hearing and seeing, as well as verbal communication. We tried to realize such a visually- and hearingly-rich environment.

D0AEA8D6-C235-48B7-A504-2D5EEFC080B6リビングからキッチンを見る /  A kitchen seen from a living room.


rs-rt-51132528093_3c36cef84d_oキッチンを囲む栗のダイニングテーブル /  A dinning table made of a chestnut board, which encloses the kitchen.


rs-rt-51132526158_d4040478bc_oキッチン奥のカーテンの向こうには勝手口収納部屋 /  There is a storage room behind the curtain, which continues to a side door.


5D17BFF7-99E9-46A5-AA1B-D20310154262キッチンカウンターの背面にはテーブルと収納棚を配置/  A table and a storage rack are set at the back of a kitchen counter.


98D3A4F6-03A9-4AE6-8F72-E0BC546223ABベランダの掃き出し窓からのビュー /  A view from a patio door at a balcony.


rs-rt-51132314626_00305e5344_o勝手口部屋/ A storage room.


E18C6854-AFCF-4E28-804F-2EEFC25058F3勝手口収納からキッチン側をのぞむ /  The storage room and the kitchen.


rs-rt-51132527193_a5255f12d8_o寝室 /  A bedroom.


rs-rt-51131640697_9ee8f2c38b_oテレビボードは寸法出しからDIYで作成。必要な箇所はサポートしご夫婦で作り上げた /  A TV board made by the couple.


rs-rt-51127419565_12ce73d745_oかんなで収納扉の微調整を行う/  Adjusting the board size using a plane.


rs-rt-51126360609_1f6999e885_oテレビボード製作の仕上げ /  Finishing the TV board.


rs-rt-51126168237_fddb1862d1_o漆喰塗料ワークショップ /  A plastering workshop.


rs-rt-51127419520_edae9113ed_o漆喰塗料にはグレーの顔料を調合した /  Glay pigment is mixed into the plaster.


rs-rt-51126518663_17b0c66e8e_oキッチンの壁には銅片を含んだ塗料を使用。なめらかなテクスチャーと光の反射が美しい /  A pigment which includes copper powder is painted on the kitchen wall.






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